Despite the Homecoming loss, the robust crowd stayed through the final whistle to cheer on the team.
Picnic in the Point brings together families and friends from all over the East Bay. The sun was out, and so were the smiles.
Roughly 27,000 letters went to Bay Area families notifying them that Covered California planned to end their coverage because they didn’t submit timely documents proving legal residence in the state.
The Bay Area Air Quality Management District (BAAQMD) passed a resolution last Wednesday meant to cut refinery emissions, such as greenhouse gases, by 20 percent.
Ellen Seskin said she must have gotten the photo bug from her dad, a newspaper reporter who captured moments for a living. After a few nods of glory from friends, Eskin started to get serious about photography while in college at UC Irvine. Now married and with a 27-year-old son, Seskin continues to be apart of a family full of talented folks. The Seskins have been living in Richmond for 30 years. Her husband, a musician, and son, a talented…
An analysis of city documents, invoices, travel receipts and bank statements dating to 2010 shows that McLaughlin has traveled less, missed fewer meetings, and spent less money on the trips than City Councilman Nat Bates.
Still bothered by the absence of any leads, any clues, Richmond Police continue to investigate an unsolved murder from 2012.
Kelly Fimbres’ students were thrilled with Stomper, the Oakland A’s mascot who arrived in an oversized Chevron car to help deliver the goods.
Pogo Park is working to create an open, artful space on Elm Street for kids. And it could be a weekly thing.