
Panel discusses complex Chevron-Richmond relationship

Chevron plays a major role in the politics and the economy of the city of Richmond. But that relationship is anything but harmonious, as an audience at the UC Berkeley School of Law heard on Wednesday. Contra Costa County Supervisor John Gioia and oil and energy policy analyst Antonia Juhasz described the long history of conflict and cooperation between the third-largest revenue-earning corporation in the country and the Richmond community. “There’s always been a love-hate relationship between the city and Chevron,”…

Nonprofit installs solar panels on inner-city homes in Richmond

A big smile spread across Raul Valencia’s face as he watched volunteer workers prepare to install solar panels on his house. The Valencias are one of eight families in Richmond’s Iron Triangle neighborhood to receive a free rooftop solar installation as part of the eighth annual Bay Area Solarthon. The Solarthon is a one-day event organized by Grid Alternatives, a non-profit organization that brings solar energy to low-income families. Work was briefly interrupted at one of the eight sites when…

Thousands march to Chevron days before fire anniversary

More than 2,000 people took part in the rally that started at Richmond BART station and ended with a sit-in at the main gate of the Chevron refinery at Richmond Point. When 90-year-old protestor Ellen Small was arrested at the sit-in, some people in the crowd started chanting “Let the people go, arrest the CEO.”

Contra Costa County Supervisor John Gioia to join the California Air Resources Board

Governor Jerry Brown selected County Supervisor John Gioia on Tuesday to represent the San Francisco Bay Area on the California Air Resources Board.  The 12-member panel, a division of the California Environmental Protection Agency, provides state leadership and enforcement on air pollution standards and climate change regulations. “I’m excited to be working at a statewide level on climate change and community health issues,” Gioia said. “The Air Resources Board has been on the cutting edge of developing policies to address…