
Contra Costa seeking alternative to shackling during transport of juveniles

Critics claim that the indiscriminate use of restraints, particularly when youth are out in public wearing shackles, is damaging and unnecessary. Until recently, probation department drivers carrying minors would park their vehicles in a lot across the street from the Martinez courthouse. The designated curb stop was created amid complaints that the long walk amounted to an unnecessary humiliation.

Meeting of the Minds aims to design more livable cities

Last week’s Meeting of the Minds Conference at the Craneway Pavilion brought together social entrepreneurs, politicians and innovation strategists to help Richmond and other cities design more efficient, livable urban environments. Here are four audio interviews of individuals at the forefront of these efforts:  

Conference highlights innovative approaches for sustainable city

Over a two-day period, conference participants presented projects ranging from the rehabilitation of public parks and arts education to sustainable energy and transportation initiatives. A number of local projects demonstrated how Richmond is being transformed through investment and creative redevelopment.

Richmond Promise eligibility still on hold

Following a five hour long meeting Tuesday night, the Richmond City Council delayed voting on who to make eligible for the Richmond Promise scholarship program and how much money students would receive. Councilmembers had trouble reaching consensus on how to expand eligibility and set scholarship levels without running out of money too quickly.

Youth film festival in Richmond highlights new voices

This is the first film festival for RYSE, and the inaugural theme was “Truth Be Told Justice Through My Eyes.” The festival was organized by Richmond’s RYSE youth center and is geared toward youth between the ages of 13 and 24 who are interested in social justice issues.