
Local eatery alive with history, flavor

Pepito’s Deli has been a local institution since the late-1970s, serving Richmond authentic cuisines passed down through generations of the Mexican American family that still owns and operates the restaurant.

Harbor for a home

The small, floating community of Point San Pablo Yacht Harbor is home to about 40 people, who live on twenty-one houseboats in the secluded cove.

Punks persist underground

Mykee Ramen lives in, owns and operates what he says is Richmond’s only underground punk rock club. But the 40-year-old doesn’t consider himself a punker, despite his bleached hair, tattoos and black wardrobe. For him, the club is a more of a sociological project, hobby and community center.

Cult classic rocks Point Richmond

Looking for some fun without the kids after a long work week? Consider ‘time warping’ to Masquers Playhouse in Point Richmond to check out the stage production of The Rocky Horror Show. Sorry, no rice allowed.

Police release 911 call reporting rape

The Richmond Police Department on Thursday released the 911 call that helped end a reported two-hour rape of a Richmond High student outside of her homecoming dance Oct. 24. Richmond resident Margarita Vargas made the call just before midnight that night. Police today also corrected the victim’s age as being 16 instead of 15, as previously reported. At Wednesday night’s district board meeting, Superintendent Bruce Harter said the school has recieved 322 cards and $15,317 in donations for the victim….