Pogo Park is working to create an open, artful space on Elm Street for kids. And it could be a weekly thing.
Richmond’s Small Businesses series continues with a look inside “Annie’s”, a refreshing garden nursery in North Richmond.
Tucked away in the back corner of Richmond’s Community Health for Asian Americans (CHAA) center sits a hand-painted poster that reads “SEAYL IS IN.”
The graduation concludes a 10-week leadership program led by the Safe Return Project, a community organization geared at the reintegration of formerly incarcerated Richmond residents.
The Kennedy Eagles use a late interception to break open a heated contest against cross-town rivals Richmond High for a 35-6 victory.
The Little Ladies and Little Gents Program in North Richmond provides boys and girls in the 4th, 5th and 6th grade a safe haven to learn and develop in the comforts of their own community.
Should the project break ground, the estimated 18 months of construction would require between 100 and 300 workers, according to the proposal.