Taylor Barton

Violators ignore fines for years, so how effective is BAAQMD at policing polluters?

Under a historic settlement with the Bay Area Air Quality Management District, Chevron recently cleared all 678 of the air pollution infractions that had been pending against its Richmond refinery. With the settlement, BAAQMD, the regional agency that enforces air quality standards, cleared part of a major backlog. While the air district has a history of issuing infractions, it also has a pattern of letting most fines go unpaid for years as it works through cases and negotiates with polluters….

We asked people in Richmond if they think City Council was right to take up a controversial resolution on the Israel-Hamas war?

“People of Richmond” is a regular series in which reporters pose a question to people in the community. Answers are presented verbatim, though sometimes edited for brevity. Q: Do you think it was wise of Richmond City Council to wade into the Israel-Hamas war? “I think it was a very brave and good move. There was so much death on one side and that’s not fair. Even if Hamas started it, it was not far. So many innocent people have…

Smelly gas release from sewage plant prompts complaints and a pollution citation

Monday evening, Richmond residents noticed a sulfuric stink in the air. It lingered for two days and on Thursday, led to a notice of violation for the company that operates the city’s wastewater treatment plant.  Bay Area Air Quality Management District, which issued the notice for a public nuisance violation, had recorded hydrogen sulfide levels Tuesday morning as high as 345.8 parts per billion on the south side of the Point Richmond plant, based on a five-minute average. That is…

People of Richmond: Should the city fill its many vacant police positions or just cut them?

“People of Richmond” is a regular series in which reporters pose a question to people in the community. Answers are presented verbatim, though sometimes edited for brevity. Q: Do you think the Richmond Police Department should fill its 23 vacancies or eliminate those positions? “Based on my own personal experience, of course, I don’t know if I want all 23 filled. I feel like we could have a certain percentage filled and then possibly divert money toward more mental health…

Still pushing for prosecution, Pedie Perez family helps train Richmond officers to avoid using force

Rick Perez wanted Richmond’s new police officers to see his son’s face and remember it when they go into the field. So he brought a photo of Richard, called Pedie by family and friends, and held it up as he faced Officers Ruben Ramirez, Mikail Meadors and Robert Carlos on the other side of a conference table at the Richmond Police Department last week. “My son was 24 at the time. You guys are probably real close to that age.”…

People of Richmond: Do you go to the library?

“People of Richmond” is a regular series in which reporters pose a question to people in the community. Answers are presented verbatim, though sometimes edited for brevity. Q: Do you use the public library system? “Definitely. My daughter loves to read, Susan (the librarian) is amazing, and we’ve got a little knitting group. We meet every Thursday and everyone’s learning together. My daughter really likes to knit, but she’ll only do it when she’s here.” (Keri Sullivan, pictured above) “Yes….

Like departments across the country, Richmond police force struggling to recruit officers

The Richmond Police Department is facing an uphill battle in its search for new recruits.  “Not very many people want to be in law enforcement anymore,” said Sgt. Donald Patchin, spokesperson for the department’s Personnel, Recruiting and Training unit. “It’s not just us. It’s industry-wide. Everybody is struggling to find qualified applicants.”  A survey published in April by the Police Executive Research Forum shows agencies are losing sworn officers faster than they can hire them, with responding agencies saying they’d…

Helicopter called to help douse fire that burned acres on Point Molate

A fire spread to two and a half acres in Point Molate Thursday night. No one was injured and no structures were damaged, but the fire kept some residents from getting home. East Bay Regional Parks District Fire Department dispatched a helicopter, which dumped 13 buckets of water on the blaze, according to an East Bay Regional firefighter.  The Richmond Fire Department did not return calls for comment. The fire, on old naval property, began with a vehicle parked on…

People of Richmond: Should the city house more people in tiny homes?

“People of Richmond” is a regular series in which reporters pose a question to people in the community. Answers are presented verbatim, though sometimes edited for brevity. Q: Do you agree that Richmond should be building more tiny homes for people now living in encampments? “Yes. We need to look for every possible solution for homeless people, regardless whether it is tiny homes or other buildings as well.” (Alison Moreno, librarian, pictured above)  “Yes. I work in youth development and…

Richard ‘Pedie’ Perez’s memory lives on in public safety changes

Nine years after Richard “Pedie” Perez III died at the hands of a Richmond police officer, the department will honor Perez’s memory by requiring officers to participate in new cultural sensitivity training, beginning in November.  On Sept. 14, 2014, Perez was shot and killed by then-Richmond Police Officer Wallace Jensen outside of Uncle Sam’s Liquor Store on Cutting Boulevard. He was unarmed and nonviolent, according to six witnesses. Jensen retired from the department and the Contra Costa District Attorney’s Office…

People of Richmond: How does climate change affect you?

“People of Richmond” is a regular series in which reporters pose a question to people in the community. Answers are presented verbatim, though sometimes edited for brevity. Q: How have you personally been affected by climate change? “During Katrina I got my mom, my family and them out. After that, boarding up the house, and I heard explosions from that. From that part, it took me about three days to get to the convention center. That’s how much water we…