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Israeli flags are held high in a packed council meeting

We asked people in Richmond if they think City Council was right to take up a controversial resolution on the Israel-Hamas war?

on December 14, 2023

“People of Richmond” is a regular series in which reporters pose a question to people in the community. Answers are presented verbatim, though sometimes edited for brevity.

Q: Do you think it was wise of Richmond City Council to wade into the Israel-Hamas war?

A woman in a black and white striped top under a black vest smiles outside a clothing store, where racks of clothes are on the sidewalk.
Marya Kurwa

“I think it was a very brave and good move. There was so much death on one side and that’s not fair. Even if Hamas started it, it was not far. So many innocent people have lost their lives.” (Marya Kurwa)

“I think they should have waited. What is happening there, of course I don’t agree, but sometimes we have to stay out of it out of respect. I know they’re killing people, which I don’t agree with, but sometimes these kinds of actions just make things worse.” (Patricia Ponz)

A man in a black sweatshirt and tan shirts, dark hair, holds the collar of his big brown dog in is right hand, crouching to do so, in a vast field from which hills are in the background.
Fabio Bendana

“I’m supportive. It doesn’t matter if it’s far away. The government of the United States still offers aid, so I think it is part of us over here for us to vote and for our voice to be heard.” (Fabio Bendana)

“I think they should have minded their own business because it’s not their war. Their opinion doesn’t really matter to the people getting hurt. I feel like them sticking their nose in is going to affect us eventually.” (Leonarda Geleana)

A man in a black cap, black jacket, blue jeans and tan boots stands on concrete by the water's edge.
Caleb Khan

“I think it was really powerful. I think it was profound. It’s a tough situation and if they feel that their constituents thought that that was the right thing to do, then yes, I support it.” (Caleb Khan)

“Yeah it’s not like our problem technically, it has nothing to do with us, but if we have the resources or whatever to help somebody else then we might as well,” he said. (Victor Osuna)

A man in a black hoodie and jeans, cropped dark hair and some facial hair stands in a field of grass with a curly tan dog under his left arm.
Ivan Jerskey

“I cannot tell whether it was wise or not. Right now our political spectrums become so polarized that they need to take a stance one way or the other. And they do it to make what’s most politically safe for them.” (Ivan Jerskey)

People of Richmond: Should the city fill its many vacant police positions or just cut them?


  1. Mitzi Perez-Caro on December 19, 2023 at 1:14 am

    This title is very jarring to me. How is it controversial? The majority of the folks questioned here don’t seem to think so.

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Richmond Confidential is an online news service produced by the UC Berkeley Graduate School of Journalism for, and about, the people of Richmond, California. Our goal is to produce professional and engaging journalism that is useful for the citizens of the city.

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