Posts Tagged ‘obesity’
Contra Costa Health Services seeks community input on nutrition, physical activity
Of all the ideas brought up in the large conference room at Nevin Community Center on Wednesday morning, one rang true for everyone: to help solve the obesity crisis and help Richmond’s families live healthier lives, community programs need to stop duplicating services and start working together. “Doing one thing together would be better than…
Read MoreWhat now, Jeff Ritterman?
A month after the election, the departing Councilmember Jeff Ritterman can see the end of his term on the council, if not an end to the debate about public health.
Read MoreDr. Maya Rockeymoore: When Breaking Up is Hard to Do, The Link Between Sugary Drinks and African American Health Disparities
I will never forget the time when I visited my parent’s church on “Diabetes Sunday,” a program of the American Diabetes Association to raise awareness about the disease within the African-American community. A brochure in the church bulletin highlighted the dangers and prevalence of type 2 diabetes in the African-American community and how obesity is…
Read MoreElection 2012: Measure N and Measure O
A group of progressive city leaders that have never shied from social engineering are now trying to pull off a first-in-the-nation challenge: get voters to approve a tax on sugar-sweetened drinks. Councilmember Jeff Ritterman and the Richmond Progressive Alliance have fiercely advocated for Measure N, which would tax businesses one cent per ounce of sugar-sweetened…
Read MoreCafeterias digest lunch regulations
In Richmond, a city in which 51 percent of students in grades 5, 7 and 9 were obese or overweight in 2010 and where two-thirds of students are from families near and below the national poverty line, how to feed the children, what to feed the children — and if the children choose to eat what they’re fed — has created a world of dietary perplexity.
Read MoreBattling obesity in Richmond’s Iron Triangle
The Iron Triangle has long been known for its crime rate, but now it is working on a new reputation: A more fit and healthy neighborhood.
Read MoreChildhood obesity in Contra Costa on the rise
Sugar-sweetened drinks and street violence have contributed to a rise in childhood obesity across low-income areas of Contra Costa County, according to county health officials who worked closely on a statewide study released Wednesday.
Read More$1 million grant hopes to take a bite out of unhealthy food
Kaiser Permanente wants to HEAL Richmond. Not with expensive medicine or shiny surgical knives, but with good old-fashioned Healthy Eating Active Living, or HEAL Zones, the acronym chosen for a program that will help residents fight obesity through education. The program also includes a small business action plan that will encourage local businesses to promote…
Read MoreCounty urging kids to stay away from soda
Contra Costa County has declared the next few months “Soda-Free Summer,” and is planning a campaign to fight childhood obesity rates by urging kids and teenagers to drink less sugary soda pop.
Read MoreMaking Richmond healthy on a dime
As obesity sweeps the nation and a book about health or food seems to come out every other week, a few people in Richmond are doing their best to reverse the weight gain trend and improve the city’s health statistics.
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