
After measles outbreak, interest in vaccines increases

It’s not over yet. The measles outbreak, which started in December, 2014, at a Disneyland theme park in Orange County, is still ongoing in the United States, and has now reached Mexico and Canada, where more than 100 people have been reported to have the disease. By March 6, 17 US states and the District of Columbia reported measles cases, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) website. The CDC is only one of the many health…

Richmond mosque provides safe space, education for Muslim families

The last thing you’d expect to sit opposite Jerry’s Cocktail Lounge in Richmond is a family-oriented, Muslim place of worship, let alone a full-fledged Islamic school. Yet every Sunday, over 150 parents, students, elders, and teachers pile out of their cars or from the closest bus stop to walk over to Richmond’s Masjid Al-Rahman. Many families come from as far as Albany and Emeryville. Mosques in West Contra Costa County are sparse – the only other Muslim place of worship in…

Dalai Lama blesses Richmond’s Tibetan Center

The Dalai Lama was in Richmond to bless the Tibetan Association of Northern California’s offices and community center, where participants hope Tibetan cultural life can be sustained and passed on to the next generation. Many of the Tibetans in attendance said that it was a once-in-a-lifetime event.