
Hilltop Mall hosts pilot for futuristic public shuttle system

At the once-abandoned Hilltop Mall in Richmond, the golden Macy’s sign has faded, moss grows in the cracks of the parking lot, and vines climb the building’s vents. But if you listen closely, the rumble of excavators signals that new activity is starting here. A Silicon Valley-backed automated transportation company, with investors like Bill Gates and OpenAI CEO Sam Altman, has begun building a one-mile test track at the former Hilltop Mall. The construction team is transforming the northern parking…

Residents brainstorm about how to transform Richmond’s economy for a better life

Dozens of community members gathered at Richmond Memorial Auditorium Wednesday to imagine Richmond’s economic future, expressing concerns about economic hardship, pollution and a lack of community spaces. The event is part of a series called “Our Future Economy,” which the UC Berkeley Othering & Belonging Institute is hosting along with the mayor’s office to devise ways to transform the economy for communities, workers and climate well-being. Othering & Belonging says on its website that Richmond was selected for a number…

Super Saturday expected to bring more last-minute shoppers than last year to local stores

Nestled on cozy Stockton Avenue in El Cerrito is an intimate, well-curated gift shop, the sort of place procrastinating Christmas shoppers dream about, and a homey coffeehouse where students from El Cerrito High sit next to board members of the Chamber of Commerce on a chilly afternoon. Both businesses, Jenny K. and Well Grounded Tea & Coffee, are the creations of Jenny Komaromi and Kevin O’Neal, a wife-husband duo who live in the community. The back of the building is…

The beauty business is growing nationwide — and is about to expand in Richmond

The beauty business is undergoing a boom, and Richmond soon will have a school to train the growing number of aspiring stylists getting their cosmetology degrees in California. Employment in the cosmetology industry is expected to grow by at least 7% in the next 10 years, better than the 4% projected growth for all other industries, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. A 2022 report ascribes this to people’s growing awareness of their appearance because of social media, and…

Slow start at Richmond’s new Mobile Vendor Plaza has food sellers worried

When Karla Martinez heard about Richmond’s new Mobile Vendor Program, which allows vendors to set up shop in four markets per week, she hoped it could help her support her family. Martinez had cleaned houses in Richmond before the pandemic but lost many of her clients to financial hardship. She wanted to work in food, so she purchased $1,000 worth of cooktops, restaurant supplies and ingredients to set up her tent selling pupusas and hotdogs.  But after nearly two months…

Looking for a job? Prospects await at Thursday’s career fair in Richmond

Job seekers will have a chance to talk to prospective employers and hear about educational opportunities, as Richmond hosts its annual career fair from noon to 4 p.m. Thursday at Richmond Memorial Auditorium.  About 600 people attended last year’s fair and the city expects hundreds again this year. “We’re trying to meet that number or exceed that number this year,” said Gilbert Pete, the city’s workforce development coordinator. Tesla, BART, San Francisco International Airport, the United States Postal Service and…

A parklet and a smoker have created an uproar in Point Richmond, where pub owner says the city did an about-face on his permits

The Up & Under Pub & Grill has worked hard to distinguish itself for its smoked meat, pleasant outdoor dining experience and commitment to the community. But the Point Richmond restaurant stands to lose both its meat smoker and dining parklet later this year unless it can fix permitting issues that have gone unresolved between the business and the city since 2022.  It all started during the COVID-19 pandemic, when owner Nathan Trivers successfully petitioned the city for an outdoor…

New Marina Bay Farmers Market is more than a hit — it’s a ‘home run.’

On a warm Sunday morning in November, Chao Dun, his wife Yumi Yan, and their toddler stroll through the Farmers Market at Marina Bay Park, where fresh vegetables are minutes away from their home.  As Dun checks out tasty treats and colorful produce, Yen takes their son to the kid’s play area, offered every second Sunday at the farmers market.  “The prices are comparable and affordable for organic fruits and produce,” Dun said. “And it’s not just a market, it’s…

San Pablo voters will decide if cannabis businesses can set up shop

A measure on the November ballot will ask San Pablo voters if they support a tax on marijuana businesses. If it passes, Measure M would prompt local lawmakers to begin the process of permitting cannabis businesses, which are currently illegal.  Several neighboring cities, including Richmond and El Cerrito, have passed similar measures and adopted ordinances allowing cannabis businesses. If Measure M passes, it will amend San Pablo’s business license tax ordinance to include an additional tax of up to 7%…