Thomas Brouns

Few Surprises as Richmond, Contra Costa back Biden

Although some had predicted post-election violence, Election Day in Richmond was relatively calm as nearly 75 percent of Contra Costa County’s voters cast their ballots for Democratic Party candidate Joe Biden.

As of Thursday, Nov. 4, nearly 266,000 voters in the county chose Biden over President Donald Trump, who received about 86,000 votes, according to the Contra Costa County semi-official election site

Richmond Votes

Did you vote? Richmond Confidential’s staff visited every one of Richmond’s polling centers and observed a calm Election Day. Check in with us in the coming days as we report on Richmond’s election results. Click on this interactive map to see Richmond’s polling stations on Election Day

Concerned citizens fight growing food insecurity

“Four,” came the shout as another car filed into Richmond Police Activities League’s parking lot on September 22. This was passed down the line to a platoon of volunteers who rushed to assemble four food bundles as the car approached. Every Tuesday and Thursday since early September, thousands of these bundles, prepared by a variety of Oakland restaurants, are distributed to pedestrians and motorists – no questions asked. “The first time, we handed out 500 meals. Then it was 750….