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A small rally outside Richmond’s City Hall was one of few, if not the only, political events held in response to the election. Photo: Thomas Brouns

Few Surprises as Richmond, Contra Costa back Biden

on November 5, 2020

Although some had predicted post-election violence, Election Day in Richmond was relatively calm as nearly 75 percent of Contra Costa County’s voters cast their ballots for Democratic Party candidate Joe Biden. 

As of Friday, Nov. 5, nearly 266,000 voters in the county had chosen Biden over President Donald Trump, who received about 86,000 votes, according to the Contra Costa County semi-official election site. The county reports that 180,000 votes have yet to be counted but are unlikely to change the final outcome.

A day after the election, there appeared to be very few post-election political events. However, a few dozen people turned up at City Hall with signs reading “Count Every Vote.” Two women leaving the event admitted they were unsure of the purpose of the event, but another participant explained that the gathering was a counter-protest to demonstrations in Detroit supporting President Trump’s statement that vote-counting should end.

Jonnette Newton, a retired schoolteacher and principal, positioned herself at a table offering refreshments and a sign-up sheet for the “Richmond People’s Strike” mailing list and expressed concern about Trump’s apparent unwillingness to step down.

“This day in time, we have a leader willing to promote violence and separation of the people of the country,” she said. As a former first-grade teacher, she decried the fact that Trump gets away with name-calling or mimicking persons with disabilities, behaviors she would have forbidden of her first-graders.

San Francisco activist Jeff Mackler, himself a presidential candidate representing the party Socialist Action, criticized the President’s recent statements hinting he might not support a peaceful transfer of power, the lack of universal healthcare, and political leaders’ insistence on “reopening the economy” at the expense of people’s health.

Photo caption: A small rally outside Richmond’s City Hall was one of very few election-related political events spotted in Richmond.  Photo:  Thomas Brouns


  1. ESTELLA DAVIS on November 7, 2020 at 2:55 pm

    I don’t know about you, but, I could use another twelve hundred dollars around this time for the holidays. I am for who ever is for the money, free the money.

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