Ian Stewart

County urging kids to stay away from soda

Contra Costa County has declared the next few months “Soda-Free Summer,” and is planning a campaign to fight childhood obesity rates by urging kids and teenagers to drink less sugary soda pop.

Sewer rates going up, council votes

City Council voted 6-1 Tuesday to accept a 5 percent rate increase for each of the next three years on residents of the Richmond Sewer District. While the increase was lower than originally planned, the move left many people crying foul.

Richmond man aboard Gaza flotilla now safely in Greece

Paul Larudee, a Richmond man who was aboard a fleet of boats delivering humanitarian aid to Gaza when it was beseiged by Israeli troops, is now safely in Greece and should return home within a matter of weeks. A second Richmond resident aboard the flotilla is presumed to be in Turkey.

Money flying for D.A. candidates, but not in Richmond

The three candidates running for County District Attorney are hard at work raising money for their campaigns. But little of it is coming from Richmond. What implications does that have for the city that’s responsible for so much of the county’s crime?