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Committee spends more than $1.1 million on Richmond City Council race

on October 26, 2012

Campaign filings received by the City Clerk Friday show that the mainly Chevron-funded Moving Forward committee has now spent more than $1.1 million dollars in support of and in opposition to five City Council candidates.

The most recent filings show that the committee has spent more than $300,000 in independent expenditures on campaign mailings in support of City Council candidates Nat Bates, Gary Bell and Bea Roberson.

Additionally, the committee has also spent nearly $200,000 in independent expenditures of campaign literature in opposition to Richmond Progressive Alliance candidates Eduardo Martinez and Marilyn Langlois.

The filings also show that Moving Forward gave $100,000 to the Reform California Now Independent Expenditure Committee, which according to a recent article from the Sacramento Bee, supports Republican candidates for the State Senate.

Moving Forward, which is listed as a coalition of labor unions, small businesses, public safety and firefighters associations, has received $1.2 million in monetary contributions from Chevron since it was formed in July.

The most recent filings also show that three organizations gave monetary contributions to the committee between Oct. 1-Oct. 20.

Peter A. Hass, A Professional Corporation gave $100 in support of the committee. The Richmond Police Officers Association and the Association of Firefighters union gave $1,000 each to the committee.


  1. Jeff Ritterman on October 27, 2012 at 5:57 pm

    Chevron is spending over a million dollars to get its candidates (Bates, Bell and Roberson) in office while simultaneously paying for sleazy hit pieces against Marilyn Langlois and Eduardo Martinez. It seems clear that Chevron’s strategy is to try and get away with the negligence which caused the August 6th fire as cheaply as possible. Packing the city council with their hand picked candidates is their strategy. Let’s defeat the Chevron candidates and hold Chevron responsible for its negligence. Vote for Marilyn Langlois, Eduardo Martinez and Tom Butt for City Council.

    • Felix Hunziker on October 28, 2012 at 1:32 am

      I have to laugh – except for the money, the behavior Jeff is describing is exactly what the RPA has done for years! Packing the chamber and yelling insults was their specialty.

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