Posts Tagged ‘bates’
BAPAC attacks two council candidates
The Contra Costa County chapter of BAPAC circulated an e-mail Oct. 30 criticizing two candidates for city council.
Read MoreFire season approaches for Richmond
Fire season started two weeks ago for Richmond. The city has undeveloped areas and urban interface areas that are at a very high risk for wildfires, so residents must take measures to protect their property.
Read MoreL.I.F.E. in the Iron Triangle
More than 100 residents turned out Saturday to see the newly-remodeled L.I.F.E. Center in the heart of the city’s Iron Triangle neighborhood. The L.I.F.E. Center is a community jewel, said pastor Sydney Keys, who also serves as director of the center.
Read MoreInner unrest
An ongoing discrimination lawsuit filed by several black police officials against Police chief Chris Magnus and the city continues to inflame tensions, while the fight against crime goes on.
Read MoreFaith leaders honored, vow to sustain efforts
Religious leaders unveiled a strategy Tuesday to sustain the momentum of peace efforts launched in response to a shooting in a local church.
Read MoreSights and sound from weekend’s anti-violence march
An audio slideshow gives readers an intimate portrait, told in vivid images, audio interviews and sounds from the streets, of Saturday’s historic collaboration of more than 80 area churches in a march against local violence.
Read MoreCouncil calls for reduced airborne pollution
After a long and sometimes contentious public debate, the Council voted 5-1 to declare the city in recognition of a lower standard of carbon dioxide levels in the air.
Read MoreA look ahead at November’s mayoral prospects
About 10 months from the Nov. 2 election, it seems clear that Mayor Gayle McLaughlin will run for reelection. Her opponents remain mere speculation.
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