A face concealed, a perspective revealed

Life in violent and impoverished neighborhoods can be tough to comprehend. It can be a world of substandard schools, street loyalties, environmental pollution and infrastructure disinvestment. Often, the motley mix is also awash in guns. Go inside to hear the audio interview with a local 19-year-old describing his neighborhood.

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The sounds of peaceful fury

For many of the roughly 1,000 people who took part in Saturday’s slate of peace events – marching and linking hands in a human chain – the day had the unmistakable feel of a turning point. An audio slideshow captures the words, music and images of the day’s peaceful rally.

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City poised to mobilize for peace

At 11 a.m. Saturday, leaders from about 80 area churches plan to pray with thousands of residents at 210 separate street corners throughout the city. At noon comes a peace march, followed by thousands linking hands near a local church hit by gunfire last month. Click here for a complete schedule of the March 6 activities.

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The bloodhound

Mark Wassberg has lurked around local crime scenes for years, collecting reams of raw footage of the city as few see it. Driven by a near-obsession to document the city’s struggle with deadly violence, this aspiring documentary filmmaker hopes to author his own rags-to-riches tale.

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Crime overlays poverty

The concentration of poverty tends to concentrate other problems like violent crime. Criminologists have long agreed on this relationship between poverty and crime. The city of Richmond, as the map to the left suggests, is plagued by both social ills.

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Patrolling Richmond’s ‘Iron Triangle’

Phillip Sanchez comes to work with a crisp uniform and courteous demeanor. He’s recognized at the local Starbucks, where he likes to start off his day with a coffee and pastry. But the normalcy stops there. Sanchez’ office is one of the most crime-addled neighborhoods in the nation. Officer Sanchez patrols one of nine beats,…

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