Posts Tagged ‘DMC’
Doctors Medical Center: a 2014 retrospective
To better illustrate the troubled path Doctors Medical Center, Richmond Confidential presents an interactive article to help the community understand the hospital’s struggle in 2014.
Read MoreContra Costa County offers loan forgiveness to Doctors Medical Center
The Contra Costa County Board of Supervisors agreed to forgive about $9 million in repayment debt from struggling Doctors Medical Center (DMC) over the next three to five years. Supervisors John Gioia and Federal D. Glover proposed the two resolutions on Dec. 2, one providing immediate financial relief and the other a long-term stabilization strategy.…
Read MoreAs health care options narrow, RotaCare Clinic provides medical safety net to Richmond residents
RotaCare is the only free clinic in West Contra Costa County. For the growing immigrant population, the weekly clinic has filled a need for local and affordable health care.
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