Retrospective: Archives show difficult road for Richmond middle class

As Richmond prepared to enter the 1960s, the city was about to encounter an era of rapid change. In November of 1959, readers opened the pages of the city’s daily newspaper, the Richmond Independent, to be confronted with Thanksgiving sales and headlines about next fall’s presidential race (“State GOP Supports Nixon”). The advertisements reflected an…

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Hundreds join first night of protests in Berkeley

Hundreds of protestors marched in downtown Berkeley Saturday night, protesting the recent non-indictments of the police officers involved in the deaths of the Eric Garner and Michael Brown. The protestors started from University Ave., caused North Berkeley BART Station to close, and marched towards UC Berkeley. Violence erupted at Telegraph Ave. while making their way to downtown Berkeley, chanting…

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Community events honor Martin Luther King’s legacy

richmond greenway martin luther king

As the nation pauses to pay tribute to the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. Monday, the Bay Area will join the celebration with community service events, marches and musical tributes. Richmond organizers are encouraging residents to make the holiday a “day on, not a day off.” Hundreds of volunteers are expected to participate in an…

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