
LBNL opens comment period for Richmond Bay Campus

What should the Lawrence Berkeley National Lab (LBNL) take into account as it begins the environmental review for its new Richmond Bay Campus? Wildlife and birds? Noise pollution and new traffic? These are question for Richmond residents, who have until February 4 to make suggestions. Last January, LBNL chose Richmond as the preferred site for its second campus, which will consolidate several bioscience facilities now scattered throughout the region. Richmond aggressively sought the lab–which city officials hope will be an…

Three shootings over the weekend, none resulting in homicides

Three shootings occurred in Richmond over the weekend. None appear to be gang-related, police said, and all of the victims are expected to live. On Friday, shortly after 8 p.m., police responded to a call for a shooting on the 3400 block of Richmond Parkway. A man was transported to a local hospital with gunshot injuries to his abdomen. Police have one person in custody. The second shooting occurred around 8:30 p.m. Saturday at the 2700 block of Macdonald. A…

Domestic Violence in Richmond

More than 12 million men and women were victims of rape, physical violence, or stalking by an intimate partner in the United States in 2010, according to the Centers for Disease Control, and Richmond hasn’t escaped the problem. Richmond Police Lt. Bisa French estimated that the RPD sees 20-30 domestic violence cases a month. STAND! For Families Free of Violence, which works with victims in Contra Costa County, receives more than 15,000 clients a year, said Gloria Sandoval, the group’s…

Loss doesn’t dampen Oilers’ sprit

Forty-five minutes after scoring her first goal of the season, on a penalty shot, junior Joselyn Navarro couldn’t stop smiling. “It is like all of these mixed emotions,” Navarro said. “Because it was the first goal of the season and it was a penalty. So I feel good.”