
City Council preview

At tonight’s meeting the Richmond City Council will consider adding a new fee for the city’s liquor stores, discuss proposing a new tax to help pay for police and fire, and look at ways to collect money from code-violating residents.

Land trusts: conserving homeownership

In an attempt to stop the exodus of foreclosed-upon homeowners, both the city’s redevelopment agency and a coalition of advocacy groups have decided to implement a tactic new to Richmond: the land trust.

A reprieve for renters

The Richmond City Council approved a new ordinance at Tuesday’s meeting to protect renters living in foreclosed homes.

In tough economy, pain trickles to the bottom

A few hundred yards off the Santa Fe Channel’s waters, beneath the moving silhouettes of the massive tankers that float to dock, lies the little stretch of railroad track that serves as a gathering point for Richmond’s men and women who scavenge for scrap.

Struggling homeowners get help at Cow Palace

Richmond homeowners facing foreclosure have one more day to get help from a traveling network of financial counselors. Thousands of Bay Area residents have huddled into the seats at Daly City’s Cow Palace over the last four days, hoping the Neighborhood Assistance Corporation of America (NACA) will help them negotiate a new mortgage. One of the homeowners was Robin Bill of Richmond. She lives near the city’s border with San Pablo. Bill spoke briefly at the NACA podium, one of…

Rough roads for Richmond’s cab drivers

Lal Santokh and other independent taxi drivers line up every day at the cab stand in front of the BART station at MacDonald Avenue and 18th Street—the end of the Richmond line. They talk to one another and wait for business. They do a lot of waiting.