Robert Rogers

Prison’s revolving door

Three months after being imprisoned for missing parole appointments and failing drug tests, a corrections bus scooped him up from San Quentin State Prison and dumped him a few blocks from his mother’s home just off Cutting Boulevard.

Race behind walls

Racial politics behind California’s prison walls may impact Richmond as much as any city, given the high proportion of residents who have had contact with the penal system. Former inmates and volunteers gave poignant video testimonials last month at Nevin Park.

Making an IMPACT in North Richmond

For the teens and young adults who gathered on a rainy day last week in North Richmond, life has been a succession of struggles and temptations. But on this day, there would be rays of light.

The curious case of Nat Bates

Councilman Nat Bates is enjoying arguably more public attention by remaining coy about his political future than he would reap from an outright announcement. Will Bates challenge his political bete noire, incumbent Mayor Gayle McLaughlin, in this year’s November election? Maybe. Maybe not.

Farmers’ market returns to Point Richmond

Point Richmond is known for its tight-knit neighborhood and historic charm. But for six months spanning Spring to Fall, the streets feature an added flair: Fresh fruits and vegetables, fair-type goodies, and easy music.

Reader weighs in on immigration debate

Arizona’s immigration law has spurred a slew of protests around the country, including a statement of opposition by the city of Richmond, which voted to impose a moratorium on conducting public business in that state.

Heavyweight politicos gather in Richmond

Longtime Richmond City Councilman and powerful political figure Nat Bates hosted an event where some of the most powerful political action committees in West County endorsed candidates for several county seats.

Chevron, city, strike deal

In a move that could impact the city’s highly-anticipated campaign season, Chevron Corp. and city leaders on Tuesday brokered a tax deal that markedly eases tensions between the energy giant and the city.

Prodigal son on the RYSE

Will Haynes, 16, has no problem telling you what’s on his mind. Just ask him. Or don’t. He might tell you anyway. The Kennedy High School junior and RYSE youth center staple has wisdom beyond his years and a flair for media skills to match.

‘A profound impact’

“The proposed casino project at Point Molate will have a profound impact on the landscape. The Point is not necessarily beautiful or majestic; relics of its past lay rusting and falling apart. Gates and fences restrict access.”

City leaders urge against Chevron tax measure

Dueling visions for the city’s future could be heading for a day of reckoning with city voters in November. A Chevron Corp-backed measure to slash utility taxes for residents has paid hands fanning throughout the city on a mission to collect 4,000 signatures.