Wen Shao

People of Richmond: Do you want the Chevron refinery to close?

“People of Richmond” is a regular series in which reporters pose a question to people in the community. Answers are presented verbatim, though sometimes edited for brevity. Q: Do you think it would be good for Richmond if Chevron closed the refinery? Rob LeBeau “With a refinery closing down, we would have to clean up that land. You thought Superfund sites existed now? You have no idea what kind of mess exists there. We’re talking about big changes, but it’s…

People of Richmond: What would you do if elected to City Council?

“People of Richmond” is a regular series in which reporters pose a question to people in the community. Answers are presented verbatim, though sometimes edited for brevity. Q: If you were on Richmond City Council, what one thing would you try to change or improve? Lyz Luke “If there’s one thing I could change about City Council, it’s how they fund the arts in the city of Richmond. I run a nonprofit, and we do a ton of great public…

People of Richmond: What do you think about the new BART trains?

“People of Richmond” is a regular series in which reporters pose a question to people in the community. Answers are presented verbatim, though sometimes edited for brevity. Q: Have you noticed a difference in BART’s service now that the fleet has all new trains? “They have certainly got more aesthetic appeal which I appreciate. In terms of service being better, worse or same, I’d say same. I’m always struck by how few riders there are, which just shocks me. I’d…