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A woman in a black short-sleeved shirt and red pants, wearing a wide, colorful, beaded necklace and matching dangling earings, with glasses and dark hair pulled back stands next to an iron-barred fence outside.

People of Richmond: “How is the school year starting out?”

on September 12, 2024

“People of Richmond” is a regular series in which reporters pose a question to people in the community. Answers are presented verbatim, though sometimes edited for brevity.

Q: How has the school year started for your child? We asked parents at the DeJean Middle School complex, where Stege Elementary School students were sent when their school was abruptly closed in August.

“Amazing. I love it. I love it. I didn’t like the other school at all. At all. The transition’s nice. I love the principal. The staff as well, they’re very attentive. I understand the whole situation, and I think that some parents did go overboard in a disrespectful way. … I’m totally in agreement that we do deserve a better school. But I also think that it’s a community effort. And I know that there’s a lack of resources and that there’s a lot of need. So we kind of have to work hand-in-hand with the school, I think.” (Cesilia Pena-Medical, Stege Elementary School parent, pictured above)

A man with cropped dark hair and a trim beard and mustache is pictured outside, by a chainlink fence, with large headphones on his shoulders.

“To be honest with you, this is running really smoothly for me. I did see on the news the chaos that was going on and everything, that the district was basically just putting these kids here at the last minute and not having too much structure. But since he’s been here, it’s been running smoothly to me. The staff are nice. Everybody is cool. They have real communication. They communicate real well. The kids have been safe. I haven’t seen any red flags here at all. (Shelby Miller, Stege Elementary parent)

A woman with long braids, a white T-shirt and sunglasses smiles in a picture taken in front of a red brick wall outside.

“It’s great. He likes the school. I am his grandma, and this is his first year in kindergarten. And this is my first year doing this. I can drive him here and pick him up with no problem. So far everything has been good.” (Tilda White Anderson, Stege Elementary grandparent)

“I felt the transition was challenging last year, but it has been rough coming here as well. However, the new principal and vice principal are working hard to address student behavior, involve parents, and introduce positive changes to the school. While it’s still early, I’ve already noticed a significant improvement compared to last year. Strong leadership makes a big difference.”

(Michaela Wilkes, Stege Elementary parent)

A woman in a long-sleeved brown with white stripes shirt smiles for the camera on a public street.

“No, I don’t like it. This is bad. This school is not for them. Do you see a play structure out there? I went to the Stege a long time ago. Have you been there recently? … So you know what I am saying.” (Marina Keith)

A young man with dark curly hair and a black hoodie with a purple T-shirt underneath with colorful mushrooms stands in front of a yellow school bus.

“For the most part, knowing how Anthony is, he actually came into this year differently, and he’s actually liking it more. First grade to second grade is a big change. He’s loving it. The teachers are perfect, the community is perfect.” (Deangelo Brown, whose godson attends Stege Elementary)

“It’s a change for them because they were at an another school. But that’s fine.”
(Maria Velasquez, Stege Elementary parent)

(Maria Velasquez, Stege Elementary parent)

“It started off good. Now, with co-schooling with Stege next door, I think there have been some changes, but overall it’s been really good. … I think the only complaint I have is probably one that comes directly from my son saying, ‘We have less space; there are more kids bundled up together.'” (Guadalupe Enllana, DeJean Middle School parent)

We asked people in Richmond: What should replace the Hilltop Mall?

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Richmond Confidential

Richmond Confidential is an online news service produced by the UC Berkeley Graduate School of Journalism for, and about, the people of Richmond, California. Our goal is to produce professional and engaging journalism that is useful for the citizens of the city.

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