Student canvassers helped elect charter friendly school board

An SFER AN student fellow organizes a stack of campaign material for Miriam Stephanie Sequeira. Photo by Marian Davidson.

SFER AN and its parent organization, Students for Education Reform (SFER), present themselves as student-run, grassroots groups that advocate for change and improvement in local public education systems. But leaders in both organizations have charter school connections that appear to influence the groups’ activities, from educating eligible voters to endorsing candidates.

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Three Cheers for the Kids and Our Money

Richmond Confidential reporter Abner Hauge meets with education philanthropist Steve Chamberlin. Written and illustrated by Abner Hauge.

A comics-format examination of the power dynamics of Education Matters–a West Contra Costa County nonprofit funded by a local philanthropist–and its ability to influence school board elections and bring in charter schools.

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