Posts Tagged ‘stacie plummer’
Blowing the whistle on whistleblower protections
City employees are calling on Richmond officials to provide more protection for whistleblowers.
Read MoreCity Council postpones item asking for firing of Assistant City Manager
Efforts to have Richmond Assistant City Attorney and Human Resources Director Leslie Knight removed from her position were deterred Tuesday evening, when a resolution calling for her dismissal was taken off the city council agenda shortly before the meeting. The resolution, introduced by Councilmember Jovanka Beckles, recommended that City Manager Bill Lindsay, who has the…
Read MoreAt council meeting, protesters call for tougher treatment of assistant city manager
Before Tuesday night’s city council meeting, more than 20 people gathered on the chamber steps holding signs—“Richmond needs accountability,” “Investigate little luxuries in Richmond,” and “Richmond United Against Corruption”—in reference to assistant city manager Leslie Knight, who heads the human resources department. The results of a city-funded investigation released last week showed that she had…
Read MoreInvestigation finds that Assistant City Manager violated city policies
The results of an investigation into allegations against Richmond’s Assistant City Manager Leslie Knight showed that she had violated several city staff policies, according to a statement released on Friday by the office of the city manager. The summarized findings from the investigation conducted by the Van Dermyden Allison Law Corporation concluded that Knight…
Read MoreInvestigation of city employee prompts public demand for action
Speakers at the year’s final City Council meeting called for Assistant City Manager Leslie Knight to be put on administrative leave after a complaint from a whistleblower launched an investigation into Knight’s …
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