Posts Tagged ‘Occupy Wall Street’
Richmond police provide back up at Occupy Oakland general strike
The Richmond Police Department assisted with crowd control at the Occupy Oakland “general strike” Wednesday evening, marking the second time in two weeks that they have provided back up to the Oakland Police Department. Captain Mark Gagan said 12 Richmond officers were sent with the Contra Costa County Mutual Aid Mobile Field Force to support…
Read MoreRichmond Police called to Occupy Oakland protest
The Richmond Police Department sent 13 officers to assist with crowd control at the Occupy Oakland protest Tuesday evening.
Read MoreChevron, big corporations discussed at Occupy Richmond
A couple dozen individuals gathered in the Market Square parking lot in downtown Richmond on Friday to join the “Occupy” movement that’s been sweeping the country since individuals began staking out Liberty Square in Manhattan in mid-September.
Read More“Occupy Wall Street” comes to Richmond
A group organized by Richmond SPOKES director Brian Drayton, and with the backing of the city’s progressive leadership, has taken the name OccupyRICHMOND and plans to gather downtown and march to City Hall this afternoon. Mayor Gayle McLaughlin said Wednesday she’ll meet them there and express her support for the “Occupy” movement, a diffuse coalition…
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