Posts Tagged ‘henry washington’
Richmond Council candidates speak to environmental and health issues at forum
The audience included a large showing of Richmond’s Asian and Pacific Islander community, thanks in part to the APEN, one of the forum’s co-sponsors.
Read MoreMayoral and City Council candidates debate economic vitality at Hilltop Mall
On Saturday, Richmond mayoral and city council candidates debated plans over how to spur economic vitality at Hilltop Mall. Click through the photo gallery to see what they had to say.
Read MoreOrlando Lamar Yancy laid to rest at Hilltop Church
Orlando Lamar Yancy made people smile. His friends and family told stories of how Yancy, known in his North Richmond neighborhood as “Rusty” or “Bucket,” would crack jokes on the basketball court—and just about anywhere else. But that all ended on May 14, when Yancy, 22, was shot multiple times as he walked in front…
Read MoreCouncilmen host breakfast for local ministers
What do you get when you put 50 church ministers and two city councilmen in a room together for three hours? A few sermons, frequent choruses of “A-men!” and some lively discussion about how to improve the City of Richmond. Saturday morning’s second “Annual Informational Community Breakfast,” hosted by councilmen Corky Booze and Nat Bates,…
Read MorePolice, civic leaders announce gang task force
Less than two days after Daryl Russell, 20, was gunned down in plain daylight and only a stone’s throw away from a community center, Richmond Police Chief Chris Magnus and officials from the Contra Costa County Sheriff’s Office stood near the blood-stained site and announced a new joint gang task force.
Read MoreAnti-violence forum draws Richmond leaders, raises concerns
Richmond has seen a dramatic decrease in deadly gun violence in recent years, but anti-violence advocates and city officials believe only a sustained, multi-partner commitment to violence prevention and intervention in the coming years can make these gains permanent.
Read MorePolice, religious leaders vow to strengthen ties
Police and religious leaders gathered to explore how to better work together.
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