West CoCo school district encourages parents to be more involved in schools at conference this Saturday in Richmond: http://t.co/zlMlVbjb
Marin Energy Authority could provide a cleaner alternative to PG&E. Wendi Jonassen has the story: http://t.co/JQWt1uAO
Main Energy Authority could provide a cleaner alternative to PG&E. Wendi Jonassen has the story: http://t.co/JQWt1uAO
CoCo County speeds up response time for stroke victims with new system: http://t.co/jGCPJgQ0
Richmond Police Chief apologizes re: City Hall fistfight http://t.co/Jp3kXpdW
Housing discrimination in Richmond? Derek Lartaud has the story http://t.co/uBFFVuhD
Contra Costa Realignment Committee has voted in favor of an executive committee of four: two from the community, two from Realignment board.
Contra Costa Realignment Committee is discussing whether to create an advisory board, possibly with community members.
Projection rate for post-Oct. 1 county-bound inmates is about 200% more than expected thus far, according to sheriff’s dept. #realignment