Rockets get stronger in 3rd quarter, lead 61-54
Kennedy scores TD, extra point, score: 24-27, Piedmont. 4th quarter, 8:29 left.
A fumble by Kennedy puts possession to Piedmont at the top of the fourth. Field goal early in 3rd puts score at 27-17, Highlanders.
Half-time here at Piedmont High School, where the Piedmont Highlanders lead Kennedy High School’s Eagles 27-14.
Piedmont Highlanders with another TD, point putting them up 27-14 #kennedyhighschool #Richmond #piedmonthighlanders
Piedmont nails extra point, 20-14 Highlanders.
TD by Piedmont edges them ahead of Kennedy 19-14.
Rockets already in the lead! #richmondrockets
Piedmont snags a TD pass on Kennedy, 14-13 Kennedy.