Testimony in Blacknell trial revolving around murder of Marcus Russell on I580. Day 3 in case of “Fatter”
nat bates requests council adjourn in memory of rev. johnson, mother harris, and george livingston.
case of man accused of terrorizing Richmond in 2009 and gunning down rapper Marcus Russell http://t.co/Vpdr0kev #blacknelltrial
Kathleen Sullivan: “there’s a tremendous amount of training that’s gotta happen” #richmondcitycouncil
Corky Booze to the Human Rights reps: “I am insulted when you refer to our council as the ‘jerry springer show’” #richmondcitycouncil
Corky Booze to the Human Rights reps: “I am insulted when you refer to our council as the ‘jerry springer show’”
kathleen sullivan: “young people calling council ‘jerry springer show” #richmondcitycouncil
human rights commission oral report suggests that City Councilmembers undergo “conflict mediation training” #Richmondcitycouncil
George Livingston http://t.co/gPXyCM6Q via @thebaycitizen