Outside the Nat Bates headquarters. (Photo by Emily Bender) http://twitpic.com/33elq1
Robert Newell kicks back at the Nat Bate’s headquarter watching election results. (Photo by Emily Bender) http://twitpic.com/33elao
Inez Brown serves Kelvin Davis fruit at the Nat Bates headquarters. (Photo by Emily Bender) http://twitpic.com/33ekwo
Mr. Coco hangs out at Nat Bates’ headquarters. “He’s very patriotic,” says his owner. (Photo by Emily Bender) http://twitpic.com/33ekhw
Aides set up chairs for a campaign event tonight at RPA offices on Macdonald Ave. (Photo by Robert Rogers) http://twitpic.com/33edho
City council candidate Maria Viramontes sits at the Contra Costa Labor Campaign Center on San Pablo. (Photo by Mar http://twitpic.com/33ecyu
Council candidate Rhonda Harris’ ground game was out in force as the sun set. (Photo by Robert Rogers) http://twitpic.com/33ec89
With many races in the eastern half of the country already called, there’s just about an hour to go until the polls close in Richmond.
Less than two hours remain until the polls close.