John Gioia said he endorsed Boozé, Rogers, Viramontes, & Lopez, but no mayoral candidates. (Photo by Anne Brice)
John Gioia said he endorsed Boozé, Rogers, Viramontes, & Lopez, but no mayoral candidates. (Photo by Hyun-Jin Seo)
LA Times projects Prop 19 (marijuana) fails. AP projects Prop 20 (redistricting) passes; 22 (tax revenue use) passes; 24 (tax repeal) fails.
LA Times projects Prop 19 (marijuana) fails. AP projects Prop 20 (redistricting) passes; 22 (tax revenue use) passes; 24 (tax repeal) fails.
Corky Boozé photographs his supporters and campaign team while awaiting the results. (Photo by Becca Friedman)
The crowd at the Contra Costa Labor Campaign Center watches more numbers come in. (Photo by Mark Oltmanns).
Our website is temporarily down but keep it here and on Facebook for the latest election results.
Our website is temporarily down but keep it here and on Facebook for the latest election results.
Our website is temporarily down but keep it here and on Facebook for the latest election results.