Protesters are setting up a tent @ Sproul Plaza on UC Berkeley’s campus, where cops evicted them earlier. #OccupyCal #occupy #OccupyBayArea
Photo of sproul plaza now. Protesters sitting, holding assembly to decide what to do #OccupyCal
A cal police officer says there are Oakland pd, alameda county sheriffs and cal police here now #occupycal
Line of police in helmets keeping protesters off grass to left of sproul hall, where tents were earlier #occupycal
Ppl trickling into sproul plaza,crowd on steps seems to be slowly growing. Some saying they came after seeing videos on YouTube #OccupyCal
Officer said, in his opinion, most officers support the protests, wish it were less chaotic, had more order and direction #OccupyCal
Spoke to an officer a few minutes ago, who said he was with Oakland Police Dept and part of removing protesters from Ogawa Plaza #OccupyCal
Crowd of a few hundred on sproul steps, facing a few dozen police in helmets, who are blocking entrance to sproul hall #occupycal
RichCon reporters are on Sproul Plaza, watching events at #occupycal
Tomorrow 7:30pm at Civic Center Memorial Auditorium, Richmond Rockets is going to have their first game!
Reporter Byron Wilkes has an update of the state’s prison realignment.
Hotel Mac Restaurant and Bar turns 100! Check out our delicious multimedia package.
Check out Richmond’s youth tennis program! They received donations from Blackhawk Women’s Tennis Association.