Robert Rogers

Hazing Arizona

Richmond’s City Council delivered a unanimous verdict against Arizona’s controversial immigration law. The council voted 6-0 to cease all public business with the state and companies that operate there.

Community takes the reins

On Monday night, it was regular folks from the neighborhood around Nystrom Elementary School who were taking the lead in addressing challenges in their community.

Minds together in the ‘Triangle’

A community meeting tonight for the roughly 40-square block area in the southern section of the city’s Iron Triangle could mark a major step in a long-building local civic improvement initiative.

Local icon reminisces on his march with history

Former Mayor George Livingston spent a lifetime on the front lines of progress. Meeting with Robert F. Kennedy and Martin Luther King, Jr., becoming one of the city’s first black elected officials, and now sharing his wisdom with the next generation.

The sinkhole seen ’round the Bay Area

Ten days after a gaping yawn in the earth swallowed two cars and sent incredible images beaming around the world, Richmond’s ground has stabilized. Meanwhile, new footage of the massive terrain shift is available here.

Former Obama official weighs in on Richmond

Anthony “Van” Jones, a former special adviser in the Obama Administration’s White House Council on Environmental Quality, spoke to a crowd of about 200 at Mayor Gayle McLaughlin’s re-election campaign announcement party. Immigrant rights activist Nativo Lopez also spoke.