Robert Rogers

‘Peace’ is this local icon’s middle name

Like many African American families, Mary “Peace” Head and her brood migrated to the Bay Area from Louisiana in search of work and opportunity. She remains a local icon ensconced in her beloved Parchester Village.

Richmond jewel reborn

After two years of tireless fundraising, intensive construction and nearly $8 million in costs, the 324,000 gallon Richmond Plunge swimming pool is now open to all. June Albonico, 83, gives a video tour of this famous landmark’s history.

Integrating California prison cells

California’s sprawling prison system, the nation’s largest, retains deep racial divisions five years after a court-mediated settlement set in motion a plan to limit race-based cell assigning practices.

Prison University at San Quentin Prison

An innovative and in many ways unique educational program is flourishing on the other side of the Richmond-San Rafael bridge, in an institution through which many of Richmond’s sons have cycled over the years.