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Found objects, fine art

on November 11, 2010

From Sept. 14 to Nov. 13 the East Bay furniture artist Garry Knox Bennett exhibits his work at the Richmond Art Center. This exhibit celebrates this center’s seventy-fifth anniversary.

Exhibit: Garry Knox Bennett / Vertical at 75

Location: Richmond Art Center, 2540 Barrett Avenue, Richmond CA 94804

Contact: 510) 620-6672

Dates: Sep. 14th – Nov. 13th

Find out more at the Richmond Art Center | Exhibit Information


  1. Hyeohokim on November 12, 2010 at 5:10 pm

    short though, this interview precisely delivers the artist’s will. I thought the chairs gives lots of comfort to modern people who is tired because of everyday lives. Especially the the clear pictures of chairs are decent and the plot is excellent!!!

  2. chonddadack on November 13, 2010 at 4:58 am

    현진씨 더 예뻐졌어요.^^

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