Bonnie Chan

Timeline: History of a company town

Richmond’s relationship with Chevron Corporation hasn’t always been so contentious. For much of the 20th century, after Chevron’s earliest predecessor, the Pacific Coast Oil Company, first bought a tract of land on Richmond’s shores in 1901, the company and the town grew together – if not hand in hand, then at least peacefully and cognizant of their mutual benefit. The two world wars were especially productive times for both the refinery and Richmond, as wartime production levels fueled a transforming,…

People’s Tribunal finds Chevron guilty of violating rights of nature

A panel of judges unanimously found Chevron guilty Sunday of operating its Richmond refinery “in violation of the principles of environmental justice and the rights of nature.” But the judges didn’t represent a state or federal court – rather, they were judges on a “People’s Tribunal” organized by environmental advocates. The Bay Area Rights of Nature Ethics Tribunal, convened by the Bay Area Rights of Nature Alliance (BARoNA), focused on the impact of the massive 2,900-acre refinery on surrounding communities,…